
Portal – a specialized vault that enables users to deposit yield-bearing assets and receive future yield immediately

Upfront yield – interest that’s paid to a counterparty before it’s due

Portal Energy – an Portal-native asset which represents the time value of staked assets

Funders – participants who deposit PSM tokens to bootstrap a Portal’s liquidity before it goes live. Funders also receive bTokens based on how much PSM they deposit.

Depositors – users who deposit yield-bearing assets into a Portal and unlock upfront yield

Arbitrageurs – participants who buy a Portal's accrued yield assets for PSM, making a riskless profit

Funding Reward Pool - receives a share of the PSM deposited by arbitrageurs. Funders' bTokens can be burned to redeem for PSM from the funding reward pool

bTokens - given to Funders for bootstrapping Portal liquidity, and can be redeemed for PSM from the funding reward pool

RewardRate - the rate at which bTokens are issued during the funding phase. Multiply contributed PSM by the reward rate to get the number of bTokens a user receives. The RewardRate represents the maximum ROI a funder can acquire.

Time Rift - a community onboarding tool that rewards depositors with PSM tokens, as well as increased APY in return for distributing Energy Bolts to Possum ecosystem addresses

Energy Bolts - accrue to depositors in the Time Rift and must be distributed to whitelisted addresses to receive PSM rewards. When distributed, Energy Bolts take the form of PSM that is sent to the destination address.

APY - annual percentage yield. Assuming daily compounding (reinvesting earned yield)

Bolting - the act of distributing Energy Bolts to one of the whitelisted addresses in a Time Rift, thereby funding the Possum ecosystem

Claim Balance - the amount of PSM tokens a Time Rift depositor can claim at any time after the 90-day staking period has ended

Last updated