
Adapters are smart contracts that compose and combine Possum products with external protocols in many different ways.

While the potential use cases for Adapters are countless, the first Adapter is built on top of the V2 Portals. The Adapter launched alongside Portals V2, and enables users to claim upfront yield from any V2 Portal in any liquid token available on Arbitrum’s DEXes. Technically, the user still requests upfront yield in PSM, but behind the scenes, the Adapter swaps that PSM for the requested token via the 1Inch router - all in one frictionless transaction.

Adapters enable retroactive expansion of functionality of existing products, such as the Portals Adapter show cases, but can also create entirely new products that are composed of multiple internal and/or external protocols. Ultimately, the Adapters concept is our venture into the composability and interoperability space which is only limited by imagination.

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